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  • we listen

    to your problems and design solutions around your business

    Binary design background Headphones - we listen to you
  • we explain

    technical issues in language anyone can understand and process

    Binary design background Blueprint - we explain things to you Speech bubble - we explain things to you
  • we design

    pretty things and technical things to meet your custom needs

    Binary design background
  • we build

    high-quality solutions that are tailor-made to your business

    Binary design background Database slice - we build custom solutions Database slice - we build custom solutions Database slice - we build custom solutions Database slice - we build custom solutions
  • we are fair

    with our pricing and can always justify the cost of a project directly to you

    Binary design background Scales - we are fair Scales - we are fair Scales - we are fair Scales - we are fair


Welcome to Mirkwood Productions.

We are a Sydney-based business specialising in website design and development, database design, Microsoft Office development and various other services. If you would like to know more about any of the services we provide and to find out if we can customise a solution to your business, please get in contact.

We're all about personal projects. If your website, database or other solution is not tailored to your specific needs, it is never going to be able to work for you as effectively as possible.

We're all about talking to you to find out what you want and need - not only today, but also looking out for tomorrow's needs. Hopefully our systems help your business grow!

If you have a project you are thinking about developing (even if it's currently just wishful thinking!), get in contact and see if we can help steer you in the right direction.