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what we offer


At Mirkwood Productions, we cover a wide variety of areas within the IT industry. The services listed below are the major areas that we work in, but please feel free to get in contact with us to find out if we can help you out in any other areas. Even if we can't help out, we might just be able to point you to someone who can!

Website design

These days, every business needs a website as a crucial means of communication with both current and potential customers. In today's society, most people will make the assumption that a business will have a website that accurately and efficiently give them the information that they require without having to leave the comfort and convenience of their chair. More and more people will intuitively "Google" your business and expect to find your information listed in front of them!

At Mirkwood Productions, we can design and build you a fully-customised website that suits your business' needs rather than providing you with a template website that is not tailored to the way you want to portray your business to your clients!

A good website is like having a dedicated employee that works 24/7 for you answering customers' questions and getting you extra business, all while you're focussing on running the business!

Our websites are all built using a Content Management System (CMS) that allows you to change your own website content without having to wait for web developers to get back to you. That means that you don't pay extra for someone else to change your website content, and you can make changes and see results instantly. Our websites can range from a simple "brochure" website that simply advertises your business online to a fully-customised e-commerce website that allows you to sell products online.

Let us know what your plans are for your website, and we will help you get it online, and will be with you through each step of the process.

Website development

Do you need something more than a simple everyday website? Perhaps you're wanting to sell your product or service online, or perhaps you need a system that's customised to the way your business model works. Well, you're definitely in the right place!

At Mirkwood Productions, we love combining our website design and database development services to produce websites that are fully-customised to the way a specific business works. Sometimes you need a little more than the stock standard websites that some web design businesses are offering, and that's where we excel.

Get in contact about your project and we'll help you make it a reality.

Database design and development

Do you need a database to store your business' information? A lot of businesses know that they need to transition from a traditional paper-based record-keeping approach to an electronic one that is faster, more secure and will be able to grow and expand with your business in the future. At Mirkwood Productions, we can both design and build a database that suits the needs of your business.

A database is simply a container for information that has been carefully molded to suit your business so that you can store and retrieve your information as quickly and easily as possible. A good database needs to be carefully planned and constructed to fit the information that it is storing. Have you ever bought something thinking "that will be close enough!" only to find out that it becomes unusable in a short time? When considering a database to store your information, you must make sure that is suits your business or it will not be able to grow with your business, and will not be able to suit your needs.

For more information, contact us to have a chat about your database design and development needs.

Microsoft Office development

Have you ever used a Microsoft Word document or a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or a Microsoft Access database or a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation and thought "I know how this can be made better but I'm not sure if it can be done!"? At Mirkwood Productions, we spend a lot of our time developing fully-customised solutions for clients using Microsoft Office as a framework.

Why use Microsoft Office as a framework?

  • Already purchased and installed in almost every operating business
  • Familiar interface for users (people are very used to using Microsoft Office!)
  • Runs on a variety of platforms (e.g. if it needs to run on both Windows and Mac operating systems)
  • Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is a programming language that allows you to write code to achieve much, much greater functionality in humble Word, Excel and Access files
  • No special software required

To find out more about any of our Microsoft Office development work, please contact us and we can talk you through potential options for your business.

Other services

If you have something that doesn't quite fit into the above categories, contact us and see if we can still help you out. If we ourselves can't help, we might just be able to recommend someone who can!